- Size:1DVD
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- Platform:Win7/WIN10
- Freshtime:2021-03-21
- Search:midas GTS NX 2020 v1.1 crack midas GTS NX 2020 v1.1 tutorials
midas GTS NX 2020 v1.1
Complex Models. Simple Modeling
Create intricate mesh sets with unprecedented ease
GTS NX also incorporates a hybrid mesh generation function that creates mesh set that use an optimal combination of hexahedron and tetrahedral elements. The main advantage of using hexahedron elements is that they generate comparatively more accurate stress results than tetrahedral elements; and the advantage of using tetrahedral elements is that they are more effective for modeling sharper curves and corners of complex geometry . GTS NX is capable of utilizing both tetrahedral and hexahedron elements without any significant loss in modeling or analysis speed.
Generate the most detailed contour models with just a few simple steps
Project sites that contain complex contour surfaces can take hours to model with basic CAD-based commands.
Typically idealizations are made in the interest of time, which in turn leads to a decrease in accuracy of the final analysis.
GTS NX features a high-end Terrain Geometry Maker (TGM) that automatically converts topographic maps into editable surfaces.
With the TGM you can easily generate intricately detailed 3-dimensional contour surfaces within seconds.
GTS NX is also equipped with a Bedding Plane Wizard that enables you to model uneven soil strata with ease.
You can directly utilize your soil profile by entering the boring log data for several coordinates.
The program the will then automatically extrapolate the changes in soil levels between each point.
This feature makes it possible to create models that more accurately represent in-situ ground conditions
and thus makes it possible to obtain results that are more accurate than those obtained through models that conservatively assume level soil strata conditions.